It all began with a postcard that I found in a museum shop many years ago. I happened to make a mosaic of it, and I quite liked it, and then I made another and another and so on. They were all based on casual choices, or so I believed, based on my instinct and my personal taste. The common thread: women. Then I realized that each of these women called the next one to my attention as if they were acquainted, although different artists had painted them in different periods and in different styles. As if they were all the same, unique woman. What differs is the gaze of the artist, but the emotion is the same every time. Therefore, it was not merely by chance, as I believed in the beginning, that the celebration of the female being brought me in contact with the great modern and contemporary artists and their essential and direct means of expression and visual communication. An art exercise in art: simplification and instantaneous impression is a difficult result to achieve: only if you have good command of lines and colors can hope to succeed. As in a journey, I didn’t know for sure what would happen once I went down that road, and I had no idea I would make so many interesting encounters, and I hope there will be many more.
I love women, all women.
My first collection is dedicated to them, inspired by the great artists who have represented.
It's a long journey,
beginning with the places where it is cradled my soul and leads to new faces and unusual art.
It all started with a postcard,
unearthed in bookshoop a museum, many years ago. As in a journey…