Venice, for me, represents Material: glass, stucco, wood.
Sand, oxides, powders, stones, fire, and artisan know-how: simple, base ingredients capable of achieving unbelievable results.
This is what I like about my job.
MNM Venezia presents “TESSERAE” exhibition
A word and a title chosen, for the different and complementary meanings: TESSERA derives from the Latin word tessĕra and means squares, rectangles and and the same term is also used in English to describe the mosaic tiles.
Moreover TESSERE, with the grave accent on the first "è", is also the verb derived from the Latin tĕxĕre, it indicates the activity of weaving the threads, to make a textile.
A word that therefore contains both an idea of solidity, as well as that of flexibility, the possibility of being modified, intertwining creatively and composing with art. In this way, I tell the research and my work of the last years.
I started my artistic journey here in Venice, pursuing art in various form until I fell enamored with the ancient traditions of the city, including the world-renowned glass and mosaic manufacturing. By coming in contact with master craftsmen, I have perfected my artistic knowledge and started producing authentic mosaics collections inspired by my many passions and influences.
Today I'm aware that any artistic production is deeply influenced by the place where it is created.
Close to Rialto, in the heart of the city, is the Hotel Ai Reali. The works, located in the historic residence, are discreetly revealed in the path between the noble salons.
For me, it's a great emotion to participate again to be part of a The Venice Glass Week project, that wants to show the true heart of Venice.
With Tesserae exhibit, has been established a new bond, between works and the place that has welcomed them, thanks to that fragility that brings us closer to beauty, for the feelings that it generates in each of us.
In the occasion of the event Hotel ai Reali opens its doors to all those who wish to visit the exhibition and the splendid place that hosts them.
For those who want to meet me in these days, I will be available at times and days to be agreed by writing to:
I wait for you,
I love women, all women.
My first collection is dedicated to them, inspired by the great artists who have represented.
It's a long journey,
beginning with the places where it is cradled my soul and leads to new faces and unusual art.
It all started with a postcard,
unearthed in bookshoop a museum, many years ago. As in a journey…